Nunnie Widagdo


The  aim  of this  research  is to find the  correlation  between job  satisfaction  and  organizational  commitment  on Car Rental organic staff (driver).  Job satisfaction is related to number of major employee variables.  such as turnover,  absences,  age,  occupation  and size of the organization  in which  an employee works.   While  organization   commitment   is  degree  which.  is  the  employee  identify  and  internalize  the organizational  values,  which make the employee want to stay in organization.

The researcher  using the method ofdiscrepancy theory by Porter to figure out all ofthe aspects that capable ofincreasing or even decreasing the level ofjob satisfaction refer to the organizational commitment  as the result ofthis research.

The population  ofsample is the organic staffin  Car Rental Company,  one ofthe biggest in Bandung, that has been used by many companies in Bandung.  The researcher  use the purposive sampling to gather all ofinfomation needed,  wherejob satisfaction as variable X and organizational commitmen as variable Y. And this researchfind out that organizational  commitment influence positively towardsjob satisfaction.

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