******************************** * General SEM analysis results * ******************************** General project information --------------------------- Version of WarpPLS used: 6.0 License holder: Trial license (3 months) Type of license: Trial license (3 months) License start date: 19-Oct-2019 License end date: 17-Jan-2020 Project path (directory): H:\Wardah\ Project file: modelbaru.prj Last changed: 10-Jan-2020 04:34:31 Last saved: 09-Jan-2016 17:31:44 Raw data path (directory): C:\Users\NalalMuna\Downloads\ Raw data file: Uji Coba 156.csv Model fit and quality indices ----------------------------- Average path coefficient (APC)=0.277, P<0.001 Average R-squared (ARS)=0.400, P<0.001 Average adjusted R-squared (AARS)=0.390, P<0.001 Average block VIF (AVIF)=1.496, acceptable if <= 5, ideally <= 3.3 Average full collinearity VIF (AFVIF)=1.804, acceptable if <= 5, ideally <= 3.3 Tenenhaus GoF (GoF)=0.523, small >= 0.1, medium >= 0.25, large >= 0.36 Sympson's paradox ratio (SPR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.7, ideally = 1 R-squared contribution ratio (RSCR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.9, ideally = 1 Statistical suppression ratio (SSR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.7 Nonlinear bivariate causality direction ratio (NLBCDR)=1.000, acceptable if >= 0.7 General model elements ---------------------- Missing data imputation algorithm: Arithmetic Mean Imputation Outer model analysis algorithm: PLS Regression Default inner model analysis algorithm: Warp3 Multiple inner model analysis algorithms used? No Resampling method used in the analysis: Bootstrapping Number of data resamples used: 999 Number of cases (rows) in model data: 156 Number of latent variables in model: 4 Number of indicators used in model: 14 Number of iterations to obtain estimates: 6 Range restriction variable type: None Range restriction variable: None Range restriction variable min value: 0.000 Range restriction variable max value: 0.000 Only ranked data used in analysis? No ********************************** * Path coefficients and P values * ********************************** Path coefficients ----------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.071 0.689 LOYAL 0.104 0.258 0.261 P values -------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.225 <0.001 LOYAL 0.198 0.015 0.004 ***************************************** * Standard errors for path coefficients * ***************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.094 0.052 LOYAL 0.122 0.117 0.098 ************************************** * Effect sizes for path coefficients * ************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.028 0.498 LOYAL 0.031 0.122 0.122 **************************************** * Combined loadings and cross-loadings * **************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL Type (a SE P value CE3 0.794 -0.107 -0.047 0.016 Reflect 0.068 <0.001 CE5 0.855 -0.000 -0.110 -0.019 Reflect 0.054 <0.001 CE8 0.780 0.109 0.169 0.005 Reflect 0.072 <0.001 HPI1 -0.058 0.725 0.069 -0.074 Reflect 0.067 <0.001 HPI5 -0.039 0.865 0.015 0.006 Reflect 0.054 <0.001 HPI6 0.050 0.821 -0.243 0.204 Reflect 0.083 <0.001 HPI9 0.048 0.721 0.190 -0.165 Reflect 0.078 <0.001 CI1 -0.085 -0.107 0.917 0.008 Reflect 0.047 <0.001 CI2 0.003 -0.210 0.912 -0.040 Reflect 0.053 <0.001 CI4 0.094 0.364 0.796 0.037 Reflect 0.070 <0.001 L1 0.067 -0.053 0.059 0.891 Reflect 0.069 <0.001 L2 -0.050 0.076 -0.034 0.829 Reflect 0.053 <0.001 L3 -0.031 -0.175 0.131 0.705 Reflect 0.101 <0.001 L6 0.003 0.122 -0.132 0.881 Reflect 0.068 <0.001 Notes: Loadings are unrotated and cross-loadings are oblique-rotated. SEs and P values are for loadings. P values < 0.05 are desirable for reflective indicators. *************************************************** * Normalized combined loadings and cross-loadings * *************************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL CE3 0.892 -0.121 -0.053 0.018 CE5 0.889 -0.000 -0.121 -0.021 CE8 0.722 0.162 0.251 0.007 HPI1 -0.077 0.724 0.091 -0.098 HPI5 -0.044 0.717 0.017 0.007 HPI6 0.053 0.699 -0.258 0.216 HPI9 0.072 0.718 0.283 -0.246 CI1 -0.081 -0.103 0.762 0.007 CI2 0.003 -0.187 0.771 -0.035 CI4 0.162 0.628 0.655 0.063 L1 0.077 -0.060 0.067 0.802 L2 -0.060 0.093 -0.041 0.820 L3 -0.040 -0.227 0.170 0.852 L6 0.004 0.134 -0.146 0.823 Note: Loadings are unrotated and cross-loadings are oblique-rotated, both after separate Kaiser normalizations. *************************************** * Pattern loadings and cross-loadings * *************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL CE3 0.873 -0.107 -0.047 0.016 CE5 0.908 -0.000 -0.110 -0.019 CE8 0.641 0.109 0.169 0.005 HPI1 -0.058 0.746 0.069 -0.074 HPI5 -0.039 0.871 0.015 0.006 HPI6 0.050 0.885 -0.243 0.204 HPI9 0.048 0.620 0.190 -0.165 CI1 -0.085 -0.107 1.036 0.008 CI2 0.003 -0.210 1.103 -0.040 CI4 0.094 0.364 0.440 0.037 L1 0.067 -0.053 0.059 0.867 L2 -0.050 0.076 -0.034 0.821 L3 -0.031 -0.175 0.131 0.738 L6 0.003 0.122 -0.132 0.886 Note: Loadings and cross-loadings are oblique-rotated. ************************************************** * Normalized pattern loadings and cross-loadings * ************************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL CE3 0.991 -0.121 -0.053 0.018 CE5 0.992 -0.000 -0.121 -0.021 CE8 0.954 0.162 0.251 0.007 HPI1 -0.077 0.988 0.091 -0.098 HPI5 -0.044 0.999 0.017 0.007 HPI6 0.053 0.940 -0.258 0.216 HPI9 0.072 0.924 0.283 -0.246 CI1 -0.081 -0.103 0.991 0.007 CI2 0.003 -0.187 0.982 -0.035 CI4 0.162 0.628 0.758 0.063 L1 0.077 -0.060 0.067 0.993 L2 -0.060 0.093 -0.041 0.993 L3 -0.040 -0.227 0.170 0.958 L6 0.004 0.134 -0.146 0.980 Note: Loadings and cross-loadings shown are after oblique rotation and Kaiser normalization. ***************************************** * Structure loadings and cross-loadings * ***************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL CE3 0.794 0.302 0.207 0.169 CE5 0.855 0.344 0.219 0.167 CE8 0.780 0.522 0.445 0.298 HPI1 0.312 0.725 0.544 0.291 HPI5 0.389 0.865 0.632 0.394 HPI6 0.429 0.821 0.539 0.481 HPI9 0.366 0.721 0.545 0.241 CI1 0.243 0.616 0.917 0.409 CI2 0.292 0.585 0.912 0.374 CI4 0.413 0.706 0.796 0.419 L1 0.279 0.415 0.435 0.891 L2 0.194 0.392 0.378 0.829 L3 0.126 0.266 0.318 0.705 L6 0.241 0.417 0.373 0.881 Note: Loadings and cross-loadings are unrotated. **************************************************** * Normalized structure loadings and cross-loadings * **************************************************** Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL CE3 0.892 0.339 0.233 0.189 CE5 0.889 0.358 0.228 0.173 CE8 0.722 0.483 0.412 0.276 HPI1 0.312 0.724 0.543 0.290 HPI5 0.322 0.717 0.524 0.326 HPI6 0.365 0.699 0.459 0.409 HPI9 0.365 0.718 0.543 0.240 CI1 0.202 0.512 0.762 0.340 CI2 0.247 0.495 0.771 0.316 CI4 0.340 0.581 0.655 0.345 L1 0.251 0.374 0.392 0.802 L2 0.192 0.388 0.374 0.820 L3 0.152 0.321 0.385 0.852 L6 0.225 0.389 0.348 0.823 Note: Loadings and cross-loadings shown are unrotated and after Kaiser normalization. ********************* * Indicator weights * ********************* Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL Type (a SE P value VIF WLS ES CE3 0.403 0.000 0.000 0.000 Reflect 0.038 <0.001 1.446 1 0.320 CE5 0.434 0.000 0.000 0.000 Reflect 0.031 <0.001 1.661 1 0.371 CE8 0.396 0.000 0.000 0.000 Reflect 0.036 <0.001 1.401 1 0.309 HPI1 0.000 0.294 0.000 0.000 Reflect 0.030 <0.001 1.405 1 0.213 HPI5 0.000 0.350 0.000 0.000 Reflect 0.028 <0.001 2.114 1 0.303 HPI6 0.000 0.333 0.000 0.000 Reflect 0.032 <0.001 1.849 1 0.273 HPI9 0.000 0.292 0.000 0.000 Reflect 0.034 <0.001 1.399 1 0.210 CI1 0.000 0.000 0.398 0.000 Reflect 0.028 <0.001 3.126 1 0.365 CI2 0.000 0.000 0.395 0.000 Reflect 0.027 <0.001 3.047 1 0.360 CI4 0.000 0.000 0.345 0.000 Reflect 0.028 <0.001 1.554 1 0.275 L1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.324 Reflect 0.027 <0.001 2.599 1 0.288 L2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.301 Reflect 0.033 <0.001 2.026 1 0.250 L3 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.256 Reflect 0.030 <0.001 1.442 1 0.180 L6 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.320 Reflect 0.029 <0.001 2.532 1 0.282 Notes: P values < 0.05 and VIFs < 2.5 are desirable for formative indicators; VIF = indicator variance inflation factor; WLS = indicator weight-loading sign (-1 = Simpson's paradox in l.v.); ES = indicator effect size. ******************************** * Latent variable coefficients * ******************************** R-squared coefficients ---------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL 0.526 0.275 Adjusted R-squared coefficients ------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL 0.519 0.260 Composite reliability coefficients ---------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL 0.851 0.865 0.908 0.898 Cronbach's alpha coefficients --------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL 0.737 0.790 0.847 0.846 Average variances extracted --------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL 0.656 0.617 0.769 0.688 Full collinearity VIFs ---------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL 1.300 2.427 2.170 1.320 Q-squared coefficients ---------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL 0.528 0.275 Minimum and maximum values -------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL -1.920 -2.975 -2.177 -3.225 1.563 1.512 1.296 1.569 Medians (top) and modes (bottom) -------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL -0.179 -0.289 -0.403 0.331 -0.179 -0.289 -0.440 0.370 Skewness (top) and exc. kurtosis (bottom) coefficients ------------------------------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL -0.063 -0.237 -0.330 -0.672 -0.858 -0.307 -0.560 0.278 Tests of unimodality: Rohatgi-Székely (top) and Klaassen-Mokveld-van Es (bottom) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Tests of normality: Jarque–Bera (top) and robust Jarque–Bera (bottom) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes No *************************************************** * Correlations among latent variables and errors * *************************************************** Correlations among l.vs. with sq. rts. of AVEs ---------------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL Celeb 0.810 0.478 0.355 0.258 Halal 0.478 0.786 0.720 0.454 KREDIB 0.355 0.720 0.877 0.455 LOYAL 0.258 0.454 0.455 0.830 Note: Square roots of average variances extracted (AVEs) shown on diagonal. P values for correlations ------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL Celeb 1.000 <0.001 <0.001 0.001 Halal <0.001 1.000 <0.001 <0.001 KREDIB <0.001 <0.001 1.000 <0.001 LOYAL 0.001 <0.001 <0.001 1.000 Correlations among l.v. error terms with VIFs --------------------------------------------- (e)KRED (e)LOYA (e)KRED 1.000 -0.020 (e)LOYA -0.020 1.000 Notes: Variance inflation factors (VIFs) shown on diagonal. Error terms included (a.k.a. residuals) are for endogenous l.vs. P values for correlations ------------------------- (e)KRED (e)LOYA (e)KRED 1.000 0.800 (e)LOYA 0.800 1.000 ************************************ * Block variance inflation factors * ************************************ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 1.272 1.272 LOYAL 1.209 1.919 1.809 Note: These VIFs are for the latent variables on each column (predictors), with reference to the latent variables on each row (criteria). ****************************** * Indirect and total effects * ****************************** Indirect effects for paths with 2 segments ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.019 0.180 Number of paths with 2 segments ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 1 1 P values of indirect effects for paths with 2 segments ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.246 0.006 Standard errors of indirect effects for paths with 2 segments ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.027 0.070 Effect sizes of indirect effects for paths with 2 segments ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.005 0.085 Sums of indirect effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.019 0.180 Number of paths for indirect effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 1 1 P values for sums of indirect effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.246 0.006 Standard errors for sums of indirect effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.027 0.070 Effect sizes for sums of indirect effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL LOYAL 0.005 0.085 Total effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.071 0.689 LOYAL 0.122 0.438 0.261 Number of paths for total effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 1 1 LOYAL 2 2 1 P values for total effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.225 <0.001 LOYAL 0.167 <0.001 0.004 Standard errors for total effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.094 0.052 LOYAL 0.126 0.090 0.098 Effect sizes for total effects ------------------------------ Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.028 0.498 LOYAL 0.036 0.207 0.122 ************************************* * Causality assessment coefficients * ************************************* Path-correlation signs ---------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 1 1 LOYAL 1 1 1 Notes: path-correlation signs; negative sign (i.e., -1) = Simpson's paradox. R-squared contributions ----------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.028 0.498 LOYAL 0.031 0.122 0.122 Notes: R-squared contributions of predictor lat. vars.; columns = predictor lat. vars.; rows = criteria lat. vars.; negative sign = reduction in R-squared. Path-correlation ratios ----------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.182 0.954 LOYAL 0.349 0.545 0.558 Notes: absolute path-correlation ratios; ratio > 1 indicates statistical suppression; 1 < ratio <= 1.3: weak suppression; 1.3 < ratio <= 1.7: medium; 1.7 < ratio: strong. Path-correlation differences ---------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.319 0.033 LOYAL 0.193 0.215 0.206 Note: absolute path-correlation differences. P values for path-correlation differences ----------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB <0.001 0.340 LOYAL 0.007 0.003 0.004 Note: P values for absolute path-correlation differences. Warp2 bivariate causal direction ratios --------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.999 1.000 LOYAL 1.183 0.992 1.015 Notes: Warp2 bivariate causal direction ratios; ratio > 1 supports reversed link; 1 < ratio <= 1.3: weak support; 1.3 < ratio <= 1.7: medium; 1.7 < ratio: strong. Warp2 bivariate causal direction differences -------------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.000 0.000 LOYAL 0.050 0.004 0.007 Note: absolute Warp2 bivariate causal direction differences. P values for Warp2 bivariate causal direction differences --------------------------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.499 0.500 LOYAL 0.263 0.481 0.466 Note: P values for absolute Warp2 bivariate causal direction differences. Warp3 bivariate causal direction ratios --------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.984 1.018 LOYAL 1.155 0.962 1.039 Notes: Warp3 bivariate causal direction ratios; ratio > 1 supports reversed link; 1 < ratio <= 1.3: weak support; 1.3 < ratio <= 1.7: medium; 1.7 < ratio: strong. Warp3 bivariate causal direction differences -------------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.006 0.013 LOYAL 0.046 0.018 0.018 Note: absolute Warp3 bivariate causal direction differences. P values for Warp3 bivariate causal direction differences --------------------------------------------------------- Celeb Halal KREDIB LOYAL KREDIB 0.469 0.436 LOYAL 0.282 0.411 0.411 Note: P values for absolute Warp3 bivariate causal direction differences.