Annys Zaidha Dahlia Dina, Henni Gusfa


Managing very large, massive information with negative sentiments in virtual space is a challenge for the government in the era of information technology development. The purpose of the study is to describe the deliberative communication model carried out by the Ministry of State Secretariat in dealing with the discourse of typos in Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation in order to improve the quality of public services. The researcher uses the constructivist paradigm, with the intrinsic case study method, R. Stake, because the case still has an impact today. The main data is a record of the information management process using digital technology in a virtual room supported by interviews, mass media documentation from the internet, literature studies and books. The data were analyzed by the Miles & Huberman method, which was reduced, displayed and then concluded and the validity of the data was using the triangulation technique of data sources. This study uses Organizational Information Theory, Karl Weick with the concept of deliberative communication ofered by Thomas Englund. The results show that the deliberative communication model carried out by the Ministry of State Secretariat is by maximizing digital technology, listening, deliberation, policy, evaluating and continuity. Listening by analyzing the arguments of the virtual community that developed in the mass media, then carrying out internal deliberation by considering the three validity claims (truth, honesty and accuracy). The results of the deliberation are conveyed to the public in the form of a policy to then be evaluated in order to see the shared meaning of the value of the policy itself and this is done continuously. This empirical phenomenon is the deliberative communication model carried out by the Ministry of State Secretariat.

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