Sabaruddin S, Budi Ansary Lubis


The study is a feld study, in contemporary times, communication is embedded in the emergence of the Internet as new media. The Internet has allowed so much new to appear, including social media, that its presence has indeed altered ways of communicating fundamentally. In the perspective of journalism, contemporary communication discusses journalism in online media, the use of communication technology within it, the impact of the hashtag in journalism, including its efect on communication itself. The purpose of this study is to learn about the role of communication information technology in a contemporary era. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) have evolved and globalized over time. Such conditions make interaction and information delivery more immediate. People in various countries can exchange information, science, and technology for one another. There is an inevitable positive and negative side to this, but surely those who have access to the use of information technology are superior and domineering. The research approach used in this study is a qualitative method. As for the forms of research used are descriptive. Data source is selectively selected. Specimens of the source data on proposals are still temporary, and will develop later after researchers in the feld. For data collection techniques the main are observation, in-depth interviews, documentary studies, and combining all three or triangulation.

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