THE CONSTRUCTION OF PAPUAN RACIAL CASE REPORTING Framing Analysis on National and International Mainstream Media

Dedi Supriyadi, Rahmat Hidayat


Mass media development has made easier and faster access to information. The mass media always try to satisfy the audience’s curiosity regarding the latest news, the present news that is suitable for consumption, which is the news constructed according to the ideology of each media. Framing the Papuan racial case is an interesting and important thing to observe, therefore this study was conducted to fnd out how the national and international mass media construct news on the Papuan racial case in Indonesia. This research was conducted on four media, two national media which are and, and two international media which are and This study also found several diferences in the way each media frames the Papuan racial case in Indonesia. The national media tend to describe the development of the racial case settlement, while the international media emphasize the discriminatory acts based on race and human rights. This study also fnds results that form conclusions regarding the views of each media in responding to the Papuan racial case that occurred in Indonesia. The results of this study will also be used as reference material for the public to be wiser in receiving information and become a separate evaluation material for writers, journalists, and the media under study.

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