Rizanna Rosemary, Hamdani M. Syam, Maini Sartika


Indonesia is in the Pacifc Ring of Fire, which is prone to natural disasters, especially earthquakes. In the last 14 years, Indonesia has experienced several mild earthquakes accompanied by Tsunamis, such as in Aceh (2004) and Palu (2018). The magnitude of the loss of life and property is inevitable. However, eforts can be made to prevent and minimize the risks caused by the Earthquake-tsunami disaster. Preparedness for natural disasters will arise if accurate information about natural disasters is available, both in quantity and quality. This study analyzes how local online media cover the Aceh and Palu Earthquake-tsunami issues--Serambi Indonesia ( and Radar Sulteng ( Many studies have analyzed how the media frame news about the Earthquake-tsunami disaster, but no studies compare what specifc contents were reported about Earthquake and Tsunami in the two areas that have experienced these major and destructive natural disasters. The results of this study may identify new patterns related to the Earthquake-tsunami issue that has occurred so far and become recommendations for more efective news writing in infuencing the government and the public to increase their vigilance and preparedness in the face of earthquakes and minimize the risks arising from these disasters.

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