Design of Production Results Reporting Management System Case Study UD Konveksi Tangerang

Novita Sari, Bayu Ronggo Warsito, Muhammad Okky Aryansah, Muhammad Seftyan Pikri Al Farez


UD. Konveksi Tangerang is a company that operates in the field of ready-to-wear production. Every day there are many requests from customers to produce clothes, jackets, alma maters and t-shirts. The data collection system for incoming orders, production results and current production results reports at UD Konveksi Tangerang is still carried out using conventional methods, namely using paper documents and Microsoft Excel. The current system still has shortcomings, including lack of monitoring of the production process so that the production results are not completed on time, errors occur when inputting the copy of SO and the amount of stock produced, resulting in product discrepancies, making reports takes a long time because the PPC admin has to recapitulate production data from each section one by one. This research produces a production results reporting system which functions to help the production head to record production results reports every day. The research methods used in this research are the analysis method using PIECES, the waterfall development method, creating programs using the PHP programming language and MySQL database, system testing using Blackbox Testing.


Convection; Clothing; Production; PIECES; PHP; Mysql

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