Prototype of IoT-Based Administrative Service Visitor Counting Device in Cimone Jaya Village

Dwi Maryana, Vera Dwi Haryani, Ilham Eka Firmansyah, Dewi Antika


Cimone Jaya Village is one of the government agencies tasked with providing services to the community for making correspondence. Every day many people come to the village to get correspondence services. Because of the large number of people who come to the village, the village wants to know the number of visitors who come to the village every day to get services because currently the village does not care how many people come to the village to get services so that the village does not know how many people visit the village to get services. This study created a visitor counting tool using an Arduino microcontroller, RFID Reader, RFID card and LCD (Liquid Crystal Display). This tool was created to find out the visitor counting system for administrative services in Cimone Jaya Village, to make it easier for the agency in recording administrative service calculations, to create accuracy in the method of calculating administrative services.


Arduino; Visitor Counter; RFID; LCD; Village

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