Fashion is one of the important things that cannot be separated from daily appearance and style. Objects such as clothes and accessories worn are not just body coverings and decorations, more than that they are also a means of communication to convey personal identity. Fashion is a form of communication, because fashion can represent what someone does through a context like written or spoken words. Fashion or clothing basically functions as a cover, protector, modesty and attractiveness but does not rule out the possible role of fashion as an identity for both individuals and groups. Technology developments can combine the world of fashion and technology, one of which is Augmented Reality. The use of VR AR technology in the world of fashion is now a sure thing, especially in campaigns or product promotions. Indeed, there are many other ways, but the presence of VR AR technology should be considered. This training invites high school students to explore using Augmented Reality. With provision of attractive fashion designs then applied to fashion with the use of AR technology. It is hoped that students will be able to be closer to technology and be able to make the best use of the power of technology.
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