Estimasi Nilai Akhir Mata Pelajaran Komputer dan Jaringan Dasar Menggunakan Algoritma Linear Regression Berganda
Abstract - Vocational High School or SMK is a secondary level of education taken after completing from junior high school/equivalent. SMK plays a significant part in the preparation of human resources. The final grades of the students are difficult for teachers to predict. This estimated final grade is necessary for the teacher to evaluate the quality of the instruction given. In order to ascertain the association between the variable daily average values and competency scores on the final grades in Computer and Basic Networks subjects, a data mining strategy was utilized in conjunction with the estimate method utilizing the multiple linear regression algorithm. The data used is value data for one semester with a total of 134. In order to increase the quality of learning in the event that the grade does not satisfy the completeness requirements, it is anticipated that the Multiple Linear Regression algorithm will be able to estimate the final grades that are likely to be achieved. To determine the scope of the fault discovered, the RMSE (Root Mean Squared Error) is utilized.
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