Emotional Text Detection dengan Long Short Term Memory (LSTM)
Emotional Text Detection is a technique in natural language processing that aims to identify the emotions contained in conversations or text messages. The LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory) method is one of the techniques used in natural language processing to model and predict sequential data. In this study, we propose the use of the LSTM method for emotion detection in conversation. The dataset used is a conversational dataset that contains positive, negative, and neutral emotions. We process datasets using data pre-processing techniques such as tokenization, data cleansing and one-hot encoding. Then, we train the LSTM model on the processed dataset and obtain evaluation results using accuracy metrics. The experimental results show that the LSTM model can be used to detect emotions in conversation with a good degree of accuracy. In addition, we also conducted an analysis on the prediction results of the model and showed that the LSTM model can correctly identify emotions. In conclusion, the LSTM method can be used to detect emotions in conversation with a good degree of accuracy. This method can be used to improve user experience in chat applications and increase the effectiveness of human and machine interactions.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/format.2023.v12.i2.009
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