Analisis kegagalan dengan metode elemen hingga pada chassis mobil listrik Geni Biru KMHE 2020

Bayu Saputro, Hadi Pranoto


When designing programs, whether in maintenance for design products, especially new ones, it is very important to understand their failure behavior accurately. The strength of an electric car chassis with a variety of loads to the maximum load it can withstand. This study uses the Finite Element Analysis simulation method. The purpose of this analysis is to determine the risk of failure (Risk Failure) to find Von mises, Displacement, Safety Factor on the Geni Blue Electric Car component, namely on the chassis using the Finite Element Analysis. In the analysis, it must comply with the KMHE standard regulations. From the analysis using the Finite Element Analysis method on the chassis, the deflection display is obtained with a maximum value of 2.099 mm.


KMHE; Prototype; Electric Vehicles; Chassis; Finite Element Analysis (FEA)

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