Year |
<< 2024 |
Issues published | 3 | |
Items published | 11 | |
Total submissions | 136 | |
Peer reviewed | 12 | |
Accept | 11 (92%) | |
Decline | 1 (8%) | |
Registered users | 28354 (142 new) | |
Registered readers | 26314 (136 new) |
Chief Editor
Editorial Board
Managing Editor
Year |
<< 2024 |
Issues published | 3 | |
Items published | 11 | |
Total submissions | 136 | |
Peer reviewed | 12 | |
Accept | 11 (92%) | |
Decline | 1 (8%) | |
Registered users | 28354 (142 new) | |
Registered readers | 26314 (136 new) |
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