Yusuf Nur Amanu


Abstrak -- Mesin metal sheet print type MS2 memiliki peran besar dalam proses pembuatan kaleng, yaitu dalam proses printed sheet. Pada bulan Januari 2022 diperoleh bahwa nilai OEE sebesar 39,76% dimana nilai Avaibility rate nya 47,49%, Performance rate senilai 84,91% dan nilai Quality rate 98.68%. Sedangkan nilai kerugian terbesar dihitung dengan six big losses terjadi pada avaibility losses yakni dengan total losses sebesar 50% yang terdiri dari breakdown losses (BL) 14% dan setup and adjusment losses (SAL) 36%. Berdasarkan diketahui nya losees pada setup and adjusment losses (SAL) saat change over C/O, start up dan downtime mesin maka dilakukan penerapan metode SMED untuk menurunkan nilai downtime yang terjadi pada mesin saat startup. Dan metode TPM digunakan untuk menaikan nilai avaibility dan quality, hasilnya mampu meningkatkan avaibility rate sebesar 4.41% dengan mengurangi waktu Changeover (C/O) sebesar 45 menit sehingga menghasilkan nilai rata-rata OEE menjadi 43.12%


Abstract-- The MS2 type sheet metal print machine has a big role in the process of making cans, namely in the printed sheet process. In January 2022, it was found that the OEE value was 39.76% where the Avaibility rate value was 47.49%, the Performance rate was 84.91% and the Quality rate was 98.68%. Meanwhile, the largest loss value is calculated using six big losses, which occur in availability losses, namely with a total loss of 50% consisting of breakdown losses (BL) 14% and setup and adjustment losses (SAL) 36%. Based on the known losses in setup and adjustment losses (SAL) during change over C/O, start up and engine downtime, the SMED method is applied to reduce the downtime value that occurs on the engine at startup. And the TPM method is used to increase the value of availability and quality, the result was able to increase the availability rate by 4.41% by reducing the Changeover time (C/O) by 45 minutes so that the average OEE value became 43.12%.


Printed sheet, Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)


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