POLITICAL ACTORS IN 2024 ELECTION Critical Discourse Analysis of Teun A. Van Djik on disway. id, tribunnews.id, and detik.com Online Media reports About Airin Rachmi Diany as A Candidate Governor of Banten

Novelda Sari, Farid Hamid U


Political actors play an important role in the defense and development of the country. Without political actors, the country can experience prosperity because there is no actor who leads. The problem to be discussed is the role of the media in showing meaningful and clear information about an actor without excessive framing. In this study, the object to be studied is the mayor of Tangerang, Airin Rachmi Diany. The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the news construction and media ideology behind the news of Airin Rachmy Diany as a candidate for governor of DKI and Banten in detik.com, kompas.com and tribunnews.com media in the 2024 Pilkada. Political communication theory and Van Djik’s critical discourse theory is the theory used as a reference and analysis in this study. This research paradigm uses a critical paradigm with a qualitative research approach through van djik’s critical discourse analysis method with data collection techniques through observation, documentation and literature study. As for the data analysis technique using Vandjik critical discourse analysis procedures including context and cognition text analysis. The analytical method used in this research is to use critical discourse developed by Teun A. Van Djik. The results prove that the three media are able to give meaningful messages to the audience about actor Airin Rachmi Diany. The media basically gives a big role to each individual because of the information that can be given to the general public. The media can give a diferent impression in the view of each individual. Three elements of Teun Van Djik is identifed in the analysis.

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