The Determining Factor Influencing The Success Of Web-Based Academic Information Systems To Combat The Covid-19 Pandemic

Muhamad Nicky, Ilham Nurjabar, Dybio Dompu Hot Asih, Adnan Purwanto


Educational institutions around the world are making every effort to keep learning during the covid-19 pandemic, one of which is by building a web-based academic information system so that all students can continue to follow learning even though there are no face-to-face lectures. All applications that are built are expensive and require a certain amount of time and effort to build and maintain such information systems, furthermore there are a number of challenges to identify the factors that influence the adoption, utilization and success of information systems. This study aims to overcome this problem by identifying the parameters that influence the success of the Elnusa academic information system, an academic information system built by the University of Nusa Mandiri in combating the Covid-19 pandemic, using the Delone and Clean Model and combined with the Technology Acceptance Model ( TAM). As a result, system quality positively affected the use and user satisfaction. Furthermore, service quality positively influenced use but not user satisfaction. Meanwhile, information quality had no significant effect either on use or satisfaction. Both use and user satisfaction had a significant effect on net benefits.

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