Rika Yessica Rahma


The rapid development of information technology has spawned a culture of gadgets, namely high-tech tools. The function of this gadget also vary depending on the wearer. One implication of the sophistication of the smartphone camera spawned a new phenomenon in the world community. The phenomenon is called self portrait or selfie. Theory and concepts used in this study include self-presentation theory of Erving Goffman, Symbolic Interaction Theory, the concept of youth and self-acceptance or self acceptance. The research subjects are young women that student private university in Jakarta with the criteria of the age between 18 to 22 years. From the research selfie reason they do not only worry about the physical appearance, there are some key informants emotionally also can not accept about him. They generally cover the melancholy, boredom, loneliness in a way making it seem happier when photographed selfie. Selfie through photos, they can do presentations themselves in accordance role that you want to appear and to present themselves many symbols that exchanged its meaning through the setting, the appearance of the face and involvement in his role.


Perkembangan pesat teknologi informasi telah melahirkan budaya gadget, yaitu alat berteknologi tinggi yang memiliki berbagai macam fungsi tergantung pemakainya. Salah satu implikasi dari kecanggihan kamera smartphone melahirkan fenomena self potrait atau selfie. Teori maupun konsep yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini antara lain teori presentasi diri dari Erving Goffman, Teori Interaksi Simbolik, konsep mengenai remaja dan self acceptance atau peneriman diri. Adapun subjek penelitian adalah remaja putri yakni mahasiswi perguruan tinggi swasta di Jakarta dengan kriteria usia antara 18 sampai 22 tahun. Dari hasil penelitian terungkap bahwa alasan mereka melakukan selfie tidak hanya cemas terhadap penampilan fisik, tetapi juga secara emosi mereka belum dapat menerima tentang dirinya. Mereka umumnya menutupi kemurungan, kebosanan, kesepian dengan cara membuatnya diri mereka tampak lebih bahagia di saat berfoto selfie. Melalui foto selfie, mereka dapat melakukan presentasi diri sesuai peran yang ingin ditampilkan. Mereka menunjukkan diri melalui simbol-simbol yang dipertukarkan maknanya lewat setting, penampilan muka dan keterlibatan dalam perannya.


selfie phenomenon, Girls, presentation of self and Self Acceptance.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/visikom.v15i1.1690

Jurnal Visi Komunikasi [p-ISSN 1412-3037 | e-ISSN 2581-2335]
Fakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana
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