Jurnal Visi Komunikasi

Journal titleJurnal Visi Komunikasi
Print ISSN1412-3037
Online ISSN2581-2335
Accreditation StatusSinta 5 Accredited Journal
Frequency2 issues per year (May and November)
DOI Journal10.22441/visikom by Crossref logo
OAI Journalhttp://publikasi.mercubuana.ac.id/index.php/viskom/oai by Crossref logo
PublisherUniversitas Mercu Buana
Cite AnalysisGoogle Scholar, Sinta
IndexingGoogle Scholar, Sinta, Garuda, DOAJ

Jurnal Visi Komunikasi [p-ISSN: 1412-3037 | e-ISSN: 2581-2335] has been published since 2007 byFakultas Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Mercu Buana Jakarta, Indonesia. Jurnal Visi Komunikasi is a bi-annual journal issued on May and November. It consists of research-based articles and /or conceptual articles in communications (see Focus and Scope). The publisher only accepts an original work, which has not been published elsewhere. The article should be submitted through this site in accordance with our format (see Author Guidelines). Submitted article will be reviewed and edited for format uniformity, term, and other procedures. Jurnal Visi Komunikasi was indexed by Google Scholar, DOAJ, Indonesian Scientific Journal Database, Garuda, Sinta: Science & Technology Index


Vol 23, No 01 (2024): MEI 2024

Table of Contents


Muhammad Ermiel Zulfikar, Yoyoh Hereyah, Santa Lorita Simamora, Indiwan Seto Wahjuwibowo
01 - 10
Gufroni Sakaril, Moehammad Gafar Yoedtadi
11 - 18
Hanif Suranto, Cendera Rizky Anugrah Bangun, Charlie Tjokrodinata, Enric Feego, Brenda Estherina
19 - 30
Rachel Mia Lorenza Lumbantoruan, Evi Enitari Napitupulu, Anugerah Zebua
31 - 41
Putri Riski Amaliyah, Devy Putri Kussanti
42 - 54
Marda Vianty, Farid Hamid Umarella
55 - 65
Kun Muhammad Adi
66 - 74
Bunga Kristiana, Neli Anggraeni Rohimah, Pasha Yasinta, Shisi Rahmawati, Silfiana Agustin
75 - 80
Riyan Septiana, Rizki Briandana
81 - 101
Joni Arman, Sofia Aunul, Reza Gusmanti, Ika Karisma
102 - 107