Indra  Gunara  Rochyat, Bambang Sunarto, Sunarmi Sunarmi


The form of housing units planned by fishermen is solely for convenience in increasing marine catches. The housing unit is made as a support unit for outrigger fiber boats. Although the comfort aspect is not really needed, at least fishermen are protected from weather disturbances, in this case a form with a security function is the main basis. The form of the housing unit is made simply by using the traditional materials available and placed on the structure of the boat. The difference in the design of each shipyard in the design produced by the fishermen's group is the main issue that will be revealed. The use of form function theory from Victor Papanek will examine the design of housing units produced by shipyards in Lengkong Village or produced by Cilacap local fisherman. The study of needs aspects, usability aspects, method aspects, aesthetic aspects, associative aspects, and consequences aspects, will guide the form of housing units for outrigger fiber boats designed by shipyards and fishing communities in this area.


Design; Fiber Boats; Form Function; Housing Units

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