Putri  Anggraeni  Widyastuti, Huddiansyah Huddiansyah, Erina Wiyono, Oskar Judianto


Garuda Indonesia, as the longest-serving airline in Indonesia, has gone through changes in maintaining its image to support Indonesian tourism. The service of the flight attendants who are always ready to serve Garuda Indonesia airline passengers is one of the main keys. The flight attendants who are active in the cabin with their distinctive uniforms are the main attraction in maintaining the airline's image. It is hoped that the research has the purpose and benefit of explaining the changes in the characteristics of the fabric used in the design of this airline's flight attendant uniform to contribute to maintaining the image of a particular airline or company. Given time constraints, this study uses a qualitative method with observations and literature through a cultural history approach, which is diachronically focused from 1949 to 2020, while synchronously focused on visual characteristics of the fabric through the visual elements of Garuda Indonesia flight attendant uniform. Analysis of the visual characteristics of the fabric in the uniform elements of Garuda Indonesia flight attendants can be seen from the use of plain fabrics made of thick and also Indonesian wastra fabrics. The use of fabric is also inseparable from the comfort in the design of flight attendants in carrying out activities in the aircraft cabin. In the context of research, it shows that the development of Garuda Indonesia flight attendant uniform has clothing elements that utilize the Wastra Nusantara fabric as a promotional medium in enhancing and maintaining the airline's image with distinctive Indonesian visual characteristics.


Fabric; Flight Attendant Fashion Design; Garuda Indonesia Airlines; Visual characteristics

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