Lala Palupi Santyaputri


It is essential to acquire knowledge through an experience that does not exhibit any boundaries or limitations about the topics of learning, as this type of learning is essential. To learn in a manner audience that does not exhibit any boundaries or limitations about the topics of learning. The form of learning also comes from feature movies. Audience in today's world comes from a diverse range of family situations, and many educators are now faced with the reality that their pupils are armed with a wealth of knowledge that has been primarily accumulated via the use of digital media, social media, and audio visual. Using qualitative and content analysis, this article examines movie and documentary that filming location in Yogyakarta. The content to gain new information and experiences, the pace at which revisions to the approach of teaching are implemented is orders of magnitude slower. It is without a doubt one of the areas of lesson planning that presents the most difficulty for teachers, and it is highly likely that this is the most significant hole in the subject that our audience gets. On the one hand, integrating corporate storytelling and Cultural heritage could cause tension between the making of meaning through movies. These debates are challenging the way that we think about teaching Cultural heritage using transmedia storytelling. On the other hand, between Cultural heritage facts as entertainment, it is possible to present the subject matter in a variety of forms of media that are already well known to the audience.


Cultural Heritage, Recreate, Social Media, Storytelling, Transmedia, Yogyakarta

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