Febry  Maharlika


This study aims to describe changes in the function of space in the Paguyuban Pasundan building related to the old and new functions of the building in the context of adaptive reuse. The city of Bandung has the most cultural heritage buildings with more than 1700 buildings, including class A, B and C. The research method used in this research is descriptive method with qualitative data, with a case study of the Paguyuban Pasundan managements’s office Building, which is located on Jl. Sumatra no. 41, Bandung City. Data were collected through observation and literature study from several related studies. The results of this study found that to implement this adaptive reuse, the Paguyuban Pasundan organization only added a few spaces at the back of the building that used to function as a terrace, now, it is a staff room. This organization also seeks to strengthen the historical and cultural values of this building, through the addition of decorative elements in it, and a traditional Sundanese Gamelan music area.


Adaptive reuse; Office; Residence; Paguyuban Pasundan building

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