Tiara Isfiaty


The purpose of this research article is to identify lisung based on object dimensions. The research is in the field of art and design, so the physical aspect as the dimension content of the object serves as the foundation for the identification process. Lisung is a relic from the past. However, research is necessary because it concerns the characteristics and heritage of cultural treasures in the archipelago. The Kasepuhan Ciptagelar indigenous people are one of the Sundanese traditional groups that incorporate ancestral values into their modern lives. They have a strong belief in the rice entity. This has implications for maintaining farming customs and the use of non-mechanized rice processing tools. Lisung is an agricultural tool that they use to pound rice into rice in order to meet their daily food requirements. Physical identification is linked to how they perceive, comprehend, and respond to their surroundings. Physical identification should be done based on the residents of Kampung Gede Ciptagelar's experience. As a result, the ethnographic tracking method was used in the research. According to the research findings, lisung cannot be replaced by any tools for the indigenous society of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar. Based on the dimensions of the object, it was discovered that lisung is a story about the idealism of Sundanese women, women who have the inner attitude of a wife who serves her partner and family.


Keywords: lisung, Sundanese women, Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, and physycal identification


Kasepuhan Ciptagelar; Lisung; Physycal Identification; Sundanese Women

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