This article aims to understand the believability of the characters in the Indonesian animated film entitled Roh Garuda Go. Descriptive research method is used to get an overview of the creation of the main characters in the film Roh Garuda Go. The first part of this study involves making observations about Indonesian animated movies and the protagonist of Roh Garuda Go. A literature review on animated movies and plausibility, as well as observations of the characters' behavior in the chosen sequences, were done to examine the characters in the movie. Visualization of characters in animated films will simultaneously be accompanied by the hope of forming visuality in the audience. The main characters of this film are designed to represent the Indonesian nation's motto Bhinneka Tunggal Ika. The concept of visualization refers to the five symbols of the Pancasila precepts. By applying the principles of readability and clarity to movie sequences, the interpretation of visuality is achieved. The result is a finding of understanding between the creation of the character and the audience's response to the animated film character Roh Garuda Go. The conclusions obtained are in the form of input to animated film makers regarding the considerations taken for the creation of fictional characters, especially the animated film Roh Garuda Go.
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