The Bogor Regency Public Library is a library located in Cibinong, Bogor Regency. In the current covid'19 pandemic, the public library has problems with its interior design related to the operation of its services, and the lack of library facilities and interest of the community in reading are factors that make the library is deserted. In the design process, the author uses a qualitative descriptive method of observing the problems that exist in the library. Then a programming analysis is carried out to achieve a design that can solve the existing problems. The theme of interior design during the current pandemic is Fun Reading With Region Local Design. This theme is proposed with expectation in increasing public attention to always visit the library by paying attention to the Health protocol that is applied, this is expected to increase the interest of visitors to read. The design during the Covid-19 pandemic for libraries must adjust the guidelines from the Government in order to help prevent the spread of Covid-19. The ultimate goal of designing the Bogor Regency Public Library is to be able to develop knowledge about library interior design and be published in Accredited National Journals or International Journals.
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