Physical Character of PolyLactic Acid Material

Ali Ramadhan, Gunawan Syarifuddin, Syukur Pribadi, Rika Medina


Exploration is known as one method that can be used to get new results. With exploration, object research could have various options in its applications, Material US something elements that can produce something form Becomes real. Could presenting something object not only in the form of imagination courses. With the presence of material in making something objects, then by no direct can also produce scrap materials. Because in something the processes and used materials are generated because of existing advantages or the remainder of the materials used. Polylactic Acid is a material applied to the production of the nature of things diverse. The diversity that, can give influence the amount of the object produced, so in development, the problem that exists is that there is a PolyLactic material that is the remainder results of the production process. The waste material is faced with the problem of material being reused. Due to PolyLactic material, Residual acid production has the opportunity to be reused as material for an object. PolyLactic material exploration Acid is used for knowing new opportunities from the existing use of the material as materials that can be used by maximum. With the use method study qualitative description, hope study could give results as guidelines in something method use of PolyLactic materials Acid with produce forms and characteristics that can be maximized for its application to an object. Based on the expertise of research partners, resulting in conformity with the research carried out because of the partner's experience in using PolyLactic materials Acid in producing objects can be an added value because it can help identify PolyLactic materials Acid maximally.


Exploration, Physical, Material, Used, Wear, PolyLactic Acid

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