Denta Mandra Pradipta Budiastomo


The video clip of the EDM Weird Genius music group entitled Lathi was successful in introducing and introducing these songs both in Indonesia and internationally. This music video clip invites the public to experience the traditional and modern side of Indonesian culture. Behind this success, of course, the question is, what signs are in the music video so that it represents Indonesian cultural identity. Departing from the problem above, the researcher uses a qualitative research method with the semiotic approach of Roland Barthes to examine the signs and meanings of the success of the music video. The purpose of this study is to analyze how traditional and modern cultural identities are displayed in Lathi music video clips and to clarify between signifier, signified, denotative and connotative meanings to find out what cultural identity is contained in each scene. The output target in this research is Sinta 4 accredited national scientific publications.


Lathi; Semiotics; Video Clip

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