Revi Fadillah, Anggi Almira Rahma


Folklore is traditional and unofficial which is part of national culture. Folklore is part of the collective culture that is spread that is passed down from generation to generation traditionally in different versions. Folktales such as fairy tales, legends and myths are used by the people as educational media that teach about everyday life in order to instil values and norms that exist in society to children while preserving the existence of culture in society. In this digital age. Conveying the importance of fairy tales as a medium to preserve the cultural existence of the audience must follow the interests and the phenomena of the existing media so that they are relevant and not contradictory so that they are more easily accepted by the audience. The medium that is currently closest to the audience is the Game. Games are interactive media so they can convey messages effectively because they can touch the emotional side of the audience.


Folklore; Game; Interactive

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