Nurhazizah Nurhazizah, Vania Aqmarani Sulaiman


With the demands of work in various locations, chairs are an important thing that must be owned and must be carried by Make-up Artists while working, because Make-up Artists have to adjust to the conditions of different client locations which sometimes do not have chairs that are available. proper or not according to comfort during the make-up process. Coupled with the make-up process which takes 2 to 3 hours to complete 1 client's face. With conditions like this, it will have an impact on the make-up process of a Make-up Artist which results in the make-up process becoming uncomfortable and the Make-up Artists will quickly feel tired, achy, numb feet and back pain due to having to stand and bend over for some time. hours when dressing up his client. Therefore, Make-up Artists need to prepare for conditions that can occur at any time at the client location. With that Make-up Artists need a portable chair that can be brought easily to the client's location, it can also simplify the make-up process with the client and minimize backaches and aches.


Make-up Artists; Portable Chairs; Make-up Activities; Make-up Position; Folding and Adjustable Systems


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