Rozzy Kerta Atmaja, Emilius Heri Hermono


Jakarta is the capital of the country of Indonesia, which makes this city has a strong competitor in
the world of business. With the high flow of business people coming to this city, it will provide excellent
opportunities for potential businesses, for example, business hotel facilities. The concept of a business
hotel, which is the auspices of the Provincial Government of DKI Jakarta, has made the Grand Cempaka
hotel one of the main gateways for business people doing their business. The facilities owned by this
hotel are facilities supporting the needs of users by the main function of the hotel, namely Doing Business.
Thus the idea that is raised in the hotel interior design is to identify a problem. The problem identification
in this report is to re-design an outdated hotel design to a more modern design in the interior of a business
hotel by bringing the theme of the City of Jakarta and presenting an Eclectic design concept that combines
Art Deco with contemporary style to give a dynamic impression to attract the interest of visitors, namely
business people. Served with literary constraints, the design of this business hotel will provide a
comfortable home feel for business travelers who come. Besides, hotel classifications that will be
presented by designers make Grand Cempaka Hotel able to compete in the hospitality business in


Business Hotel; Grand Cempaka Hotel; Contemporary Art Deco; Eclectic; Businessman


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