Ramanda Maulana Dywastanto, Emilius Heri Hermono


In this day and age, of course, we rarely encounter the form of building facades and interior art-deco style art design. One of them is in the State of Indonesia. Some buildings in Indonesia are only a small number of old buildings that are left with pre-historical stories of their time. One of them is the Jakarta city station that uses the concept of art deco art. The station was built by renowned architecture Johan Louwrens Ghijsels in 1926. With the use of the concept of art-deco art style which is an ornamental style of buildings that was born after the first world war and ended before the second world war (1920-1939). This makes Jakarta city station has its own attraction to date. Along with the times and times that are increasingly changing. This caused several changes in almost every side of the building in the interior. Which includes ceiling, walls, floors, furniture, decoration and the addition of space such as foodcurt, ATMs and other smart machines. But that does not reduce the image of the art-deco style, because only some of the building space has been updated and the material has been damaged but still uses the concept of art-deco art. In addition, the authors embed local content on Betawi culture in its interior design, such as the application of ondel-ondel elements in building accents and balustrades on the ceiling wall and furniture list. This research method uses a qualitative method with a historical approach, as well as studying and analyzing various forms of spatial building on the topic being studied. So that we can conclude as the final goal, namely to identify the application of the art-deco style in the interior of Jakarta's city station.


Jakarta City Station; Johan Louwrens Ghijsels; Implementation; Art-Deco Style


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