Shabrina Alifah, Rr.Chandrarezky Permatasari


One alternative solution to work for both adult and millennial workers is through Coworking space. Startup and freelancers benefit from more practical land solutions. Working in the same scope with people from different company backgrounds can increase opportunities to expand networks and connections. In the capital, especially Jakarta, this has mushroomed, place booking schemes in Jakarta coworking space are very varied and can be chosen as needed. The research method used in the Coworking space interior design uses the Stage I Introduction, Stage II Data Review, Stage 3 Project Data Analysis, Stage 4 Planning Concepts, Stage 5 Conclusions and Recommendations. The aim of this interior design is to create a public facility with a visual appearance that is in line with the implementation of the applied interior concept. In addition, it accommodates the needs of space support facilities without compromising aspects of comfort for users in Coworking space who play an active role in exchanging ideas and ideas in increasing productivity.


Coworking Space; Worker; Designing; Interior


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