Rizki Dawanti


The problem of depression in adolescents is still prevalent. A survey conducted by the Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Division team, Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in May 2020 on 393 Indonesian adolescents aged 16-24 years, showed that 95.4% of adolescents stated that they had suffered from anxiety, and 88% of adolescents had felt symptoms of depression while facing problems in adolescence (Kaligis, et al, 2021). This study aims to see if there is an influence of parenting on loneliness and depressive tendencies in 164 adolescents aged 12-23 years. This study used quantitative methods with regression analysis. The results showed that democratic parenting had a significant negative influence on depressive tendencies (B = -.197, p <.05). Research subjects who perceived their parents to apply democratic parenting also had lower levels of loneliness.


loneliness; depression tendency; parenting style; adolescents

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