Dery Permatasari, Yoyoh Hereyah


Online learning from home with an online learning method policy during the Covid-19 pandemic gave rise to a rhetorical situation. ‘Boundaries,’ one of the rhetorical situation dimensions, present barriers to online learning communication. In this ‘urgent’ situation, we need to apply the three rhetorical appeals; ethos, pathos, and logos. The research aims to determine how teachers use the three appeals of Aristotelian rhetoric, ethos, pathos, and logos, to persuade students to build efective online learning communication during the Covid 19 pandemic. Using the theory of the three appeals of Aristotle’s rhetoric; ethos, pathos, and logos. Rhetorical analysis carried out the entire function of ethos, pathos, and logos to obtain a complete fgure of application ethos, pathos, and logos in online learning communication. This qualitative descriptive research uses the case study method. It was found that in order to build efective online learning communication all rhetorical appeals, ethos, pathos, and logos must be applied as a whole. Ethos can be found in the ability to use internet-based learning media. Logos can be found in explaining learning material systematically and logically. Pathos can be found when teachers try to empathize, provide motivation, and build students’ awareness to obey the rules in online classrooms.

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