A Fuzzy-Genetic Modelling Approach to Maintenance Scheduling for the Minimization of Fishing Vessel Idle Time in the Maritime Industry

Wasiu Oyediran Adedeji, Kasali Aderinmoye Adedeji, Oluseye Adebayo Owolabi, Sunday Ayoola Oke, John Rajan, Elkanah Olaosebikan Oyetunji


As the marine industry becomes more complex and challenging to manage optimizing the idle time of vessels is critical. Although previous idle time reduction efforts in maintenance were through the evaluation of crisp numerical values in optimization models, none of the studies has considered the effect of uncertainty and imprecision on the system. Consequently, in this paper, a linguistic-based optimization model is developed using the fuzzy-genetic model for the discredited time-maintenance manpower-cost saving problem. The suggested model is moved for the following reasons: (1) it considers linguistic terms to express the optimization of vessels' idle time from a unique perspective of deploying genetic algorithm while considering the minimum and maximum number of times vessels may return for maintenance (2) it has an indirect measure of the quality of maintenance service which is absent in previous models (3) a cost-saving dimension is introduced where the ideas of low, medium and high-cost savings are examined. The results show the feasibility of the approach. The model advanced promises to provide vessel controllers with an idle time assessment framework, which enhances the chances of generating the utmost profit for companies.


Fuzzy-genetic; Maintenance; Equipment scheduling; Fishing industry; Optimization; Idleness; Profitability

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/ijiem.v4i3.20460


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