Queuing System Simulation to Optimize Waiting Time using the Quality Function Deployment Approach at KFC Pontianak

Fajar Mudzakkir, Nur Fakhri Nugraha, Taufik Taufik


The aim of this research is to find the best scenario to optimize the queuing system so that it can reduce waiting time during customer service at KFC Pontianak. Queue systems are prevalent in public services. The research employs Quality Function Deployment (QFD) and Discrete Event Simulation (DES) methodologies. Alternatives generated are simulated using ARENA Simulation. 70 respondents participated in the KFC Pontianak customer questionnaire, comprising 48.6% females and 51.4% males aged between 18-45 years. The results of the questionnaire showed that 51.4% of respondents were dissatisfied with the speed of service at KFC Pontianak. Customer needs identified through QFD include service speed, order accuracy, ease of use, customer satisfaction, queue comfort, food quality, and payment integration. Analysis reveals three queue system scenarios, two of which propose improvements. The second scenario involves 2 cashiers and 2 self-service cashiers. Self-service allows customers to order by scanning a QR code integrated with the service provider's application. Arrival type employs an exponential distribution with an average of 61 seconds, unlimited max arrival, and first creation with a value of 0. In self-service, there is a value difference of 1 and a standard deviation of 0.2. Simulation results indicate that 51 customers choose cashier 1, 41 choose cashier 2, 39 opt for self-service cashier 1, and 53 prefer self-service cashier 2. The total successfully served customers are 94, with a success rate of 51%. In the third scenario involved 4 self-service cashiers only, the values of 1 and standard deviation of 0.2. The total number of successfully served customers is 173, with a success rate of 80%. In conclusion, this research offers valuable insights for optimizing KFC Pontianak's queue system, addressing customer dissatisfaction with service speed. The proposed scenarios, especially those involving self-service options, demonstrate potential improvements in customer satisfaction and operational efficiency.


KFC; Waiting time; QFD; DES; Arena

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.22441/ijiem.v5i1.24951


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