Khairunnisa Khairunnisa, Farah Farida Tantiani


Limitations of face-to-face meetings due to the application of distance and hybrid learning models during the Covid-19 pandemic can affect school connectedness from the college students to their university. This condition can also affect the friendship quality in students when the offline interaction with their friends is limited. Whereas school connectedness and the friendship among the students plays a role in increasing student motivation and academic achievement. Also, one of the factors that related to school connectedness is friendship quality. This study aims to determine whether there is a relationship between the friendship quality and school connectedness among college students of class 2019 in Malang City during The Covid-19 Pandemic. This study uses quantitative methods with correlational research. Research respondents are college students of class 2019 in Malang City, with a total of 346 college students. The research instrument consisted of the Friendship Qualities scale consisting of 21 valid items (α=0.903) and the School Connectedness (MOSC) scale consisting of 19 valid items (α=0.920). The data analysis technique in this study used the Pearson product moment correlation test. The results of this study showed that there is a connection between school connectedness and friendship quality. It is suggested that campuses should enhance the friendship quality among their students by applying learning models such as peer lessons and group assignments. Furthermore, for college students to participate actively in college student activities on their campus to maintain their friendship quality and school connectedness even though limitations of face-to-face meetings are applied.

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