cindi kristanti, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani


Employee involvement in work is one of the important roles in achieving a company's goals in the midst of the pandemic transition situation to the Covid-19 endemic. This study examines whether psychological empowerment has a role as a mediator of the relationship between core self-evaluation and work engagement in workers during the pandemic transition to the Covid-19 endemic. A total of 647 workers work in various sectors of the goods and services industry in Jakarta. The sample from this study consisted of 38.64% men and 61.36% women. This research uses quantitative method with mediation regression process. The mediation regression analysis process uses PROCESS V3.5 Procedure for SPSS by Andrew F. Hayes. Based on the research results, there is a direct and indirect relationship between work engagement and core self-evaluation through psychological empowerment. The results of this study indicate that Psychological Empowement acts as a mediator in the relationship between Core Self-Evaluation and Work Engagement.

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