Marlina Marlina, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani


During the transition from the pandemic to the Covid-19 endemic, the government had to issue new policies for the people of Indonesia, the implementation of social distancing and the implementation of health protocols had a significant impact on workers and companies, where this led to increased pressure and work demands due to the system. work from home and companies lay off workers to layoffs (Termination of Employment) so that the lack of readiness of workers makes it difficult to be productive and optimal at work which affects career adaptability in dealing with transitions or job changes during current conditions. This study aims to determine whether hardiness has a role as a mediator of the relationship between emotional intelligence and career adaptability in workers during the transition from the pandemic to the covid-19 endemic. The study used quantitative methods through mediation regression processes and accidental sampling techniques, as many as 668 workers who worked in Jakarta during the transition from the pandemic to the endemic covid-19 responded to a questionnaire from the Resilience Gauge (HRG) measuring instrument developed by Kamtsios & Bartone (2021), Wong and Law Emotional Intelligence Scale (WLEIS) developed by Chi-Sum Wong and Kenneth S. Law (2002) and Career Adapt-Abilities Scale-Short Form (CAAS-SF) developed by Maggiori, Rossier, & Savickas (2015). The analysis of the mediation regression process in this study used PROCESS V4.0 Procedure for SPSS by Andrew F. Hayes. The results show that Hardiness acts as a mediator of the relationship between Emotional Intelligence and Career Adaptability, this shows that Emotional Intelligence and Career Adaptability will increase with the role of Hardiness. This research is expected to provide a reference to workers and companies regarding the importance of understanding the values of Hardiness, Emotional Intelligence and Career Adaptability so that workers are able to face all transitions or changes in work to increase work productivity and career development in the future.

Keywords: hardiness, career adaptability, emotional intelligence, transition from pandemic to endemic covid-19.

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