Simon Stock Elia Carmelo Oktaf Pasito, Laila Meiliyandrie Indah Wardani


Background: The transition period for the Covid-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the tourism sector, especially in the aviation sector. The spread of the virus, which has an erratic timeframe, has prompted the government to implement certain policies to tackle the spread of the virus in Indonesia. This phenomenon affects employee well-being who work in the aviation world.

Research Purpose: This study was conducted to determine whether psychological empowerment is able to act as a mediator of the relationship between psychological climate and employee well-being.

Methodology: This research is a quantitative research with simple mediation regression method and incidental sampling technique.

Population and Sample: A total of 352 employees working in the aviation sector became the research respondents.

Instrument: The measuring tools used are the EWB Scale, which was developed by Pradhan and Hati, the psychological climate questionnaire (PCq) developed by Brown and Leigh, and the psychological empowerment questionnaire (PEq) developed by Spreitzer.

Analysis: Mediation regression analysis in this study using PROCESS V4.0 Procedure for SPSS by Andrew F. Hayes. The results of this study indicate that psychological empowerment is able to act as a mediator between the relationship between psychological climate and employee well-being. This shows that psychologic empowerment can improve the relationship between psychological climate and employee well-being.

Implications or advantages of research: This research is expected to be used as an additional reference for airline companies to understand the psychological climate, psychological empowerment, and employee well-being of their employees, so that they can improve the welfare of employees from their perceptions of the company and the psychological empowerment of employees.

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