Siti Khorriyatul Khotimah, Nursyam Nursyam, Ainun Nadhirah, Ira Anis Safitri, Fauziah binti Ani, Zahrul Akmal bin Damin


The students composed their thesis during the COVID-19 pandemic, with a high to very high level of anxiety, stress, and depression at 47%, 22.7%, and 20.8 %, These were caused by low self-efficacy. This explanatory survey aims to determine the effect of religiosity and psychological empowerment on the self-efficacy. There were 239 final undergraduate students obtained from 22 Public and private universities in Surabaya by accidental sampling. The data collection uses a questionnaire method as self-report. The data collection using questionnaire method as self-report, in Religiosity, Psychological Empowerment, and Self Efficacy Scale. All those scales have already     tested the validity with product-moment and then the reliability by Cronbach Alpha, and has known that all items used are valid and reliable. The 28 items of Religiosity Scale with r = 0.773, 12 items of Psychological Empowerment Scale with r = 0.878, and 17 items of Self Efficacy Scale with r = 0.857. The data were analyzed by MLR, F-Test and T-Test. The Findings are: (1) religiosity and psychological empowerment effect student’s self-efficacy simultaneously, (2) religiosity effect students’ self-efficacy, and (3) psychological empowerment effect student’s self-efficacy. The implications of these findings, that it’s importance to strengthen student's religiosity and their psychological empowerment that effects their self-efficacy as cognitive process in motivation, thinking and action to fulfill their academic task in any condition to gain achievement in the pandemic era, and or any other difficulties.


Keywords: religiosity, psychological empowerment, self-efficacy

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