Nurfitriany Fakhri, Basti Tetteng, Mufliha Chaerati, Sahril Buchori


Benign envy is a negative emotion that is known to have a negative impact but can trigger motivation to achieve success and improve oneself. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between benign envy and prosocial personality in early adulthood. This study uses quantitative methods. The subjects in this study were 348 adults. The result of this study indicates that p = 0,001 (p<0.05) which means that there is a relationship between benign envy and prosocial personality. The correlation coefficient r = 0.177 indicates a positive value between benign envy and prosocial personality with a weak level of relationship strength. The correlation coefficient value shows a positive value which means that the higher the benign envy, the higher the prosocial personality, on the contrary, the lower the benign envy, the lower of prosocial personality. This research contributes to the fields of social psychology, positive psychology and educational psychology related to the development of prosocial personality in early adulthood.

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