Zunea Farizka Azyza Harro Uasni, Sonny Andrianto


The world of internet based Technology has brought a development in any interactions is in the use of social media. The use of social media could help human in any aspects of their life but it also can bring the negative effect in the problematic use in daily life. This study aimed to observe the relationship of self-regulation and the problematic social media use mediated by the fear of missing out. This research used the quantitative approach and the model of relation of three variables was analyzed by means of mediation analysis. The subject involved in this research were the 372 people as the internet users connected to social media. The data were collected using Social Media Use Questionnaire (SMUQ), The Czech Self-Regulation Questionnaire (SRQ-Cz) and Fear of Missing Out Scale (FoMOs). The data was analyzed using the statistical application of JASP The results of this research showed that self-regulation can determine the condition of problematic social media use directly or through the role of fear of missing out.

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