Prasiasti Parsetya, Erna Risnawati


Exploring Stigma and Meaning in Life of Single Elderly Women Who Stay in Nursery Home

Prasiasti Prasetya, Erna Risnawati

Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia


Become a single unmarried woman is not an ideal situation in Indonesian society. The aim of this study is to explore the stigma and meaning in life from single elderly women who stay in nursery home based on their subjective experiences. Phenomenological Qualitative method was used in this study, while data collections is gathered using semi-structured interview and the data is analyzed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) method. There are four themes revealed in this study: (1) factors that affects the respondents not to marry, (2) respondent’s view about single unmarried life, (3) experiences of single unmarried life stigma, and (4) meaning in life.

Keywords: Meaning in life, stigma, single woman, elderly.



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