Popi Avati, Siti Salwa




Siti Salwa & Popi Avati

Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Mercu Buana


Background: Dating applications are increasingly being used as an alternative place to socialize and find a partner, especially since the Covid-19 pandemic. Loneliness is one of the reasons many application users put forward, especially the Tinder application.

Research purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between loneliness and intersexual competition among users of the Tinder application.

Methodology: To understand the relationship between intersexual competition and lonely among Tinder users, this study uses a quantitative correlation method.

Instrument: Research data were collected through a questionnaire the UCLA loneliness Scale (version 3) by Lerisha. To measure intersexual competition used Intersexual Competition Scale (ICS) by Bunk and Fisher.

Population and Sample: The population is made up of active users of the Jakarta based dating app Tinder. Meanwhile, there were 160 respondents who participated in this study.

Analysis: The Data analysis used was Pearson Product Moment correlation.

Result: The results of research on Tinder application users show that there is a significant relationship between loneliness and intersexual competition which has a positive direction and is moderately correlated, meaning that the higher the level of loneliness, the higher the level of intersexual competition. The result show there is a positive correlation between loneliness and intersexual competition among Tinder application users.

Implication or advantage of research: Online dating applications can be used as a medium to reduce feelings of loneliness



Keywords: Loneliness, Competition Intrasexual, Dating Aplications, Application Tinder



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