Nadia Safitri, Arie Suciyana Sriyanto


Background: Previous researches show quarter of life crises initiates greater levels of personal growth initiatives, while perceived social support proven to have significant positive correlations with personal growth initiatives. Currently, the generation z face various challenges, especially during Covid-19 pandemic. To be functioning optimally they have to realize and able to initiate themselves achieve their goals and dream. using personal growth initiative.

Research purpose: This study aims to determine the relationship between the quarter life crisis and perceived social support with personal growth initiatives of generation Z

Methodology: This study conducted using correlational method


Instrument: Research data were collected using adapted scales of Robitscheck’s Personal Growth Initiative Scale-II, Robbins and Wilner’s quarter life crisis scale, Zimet’s perceived social support in online questionnaire  


Population and sample: We collected data from 480 participants of Z Generation using accidental sampling

Analysis: The data were analyzed using Spearman Correlations technique

Results: This study shows there is positive and significant relationship between the quarter life crisis and perceived social support with personal growth initiatives.


Implication or advantage of research: Different from previous researches, this suggests that the quarter life crisis and perceived social support can enhance personal growth initiatives.



Keywords: Personal Growth Initiative, Quarter Life Crisis, Perceived Social Support, Generation Z


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