Winy Nila Wisudawati, Fatma Nur Aqmarina


Background: A new type of communication that has emerged in society due to the internet boom is social media. When they look at social media and learn about the activities of their peers, they are more likely to experience Fear of Missing Out (FoMo). Individuals with FoMo tendencies will become depressed if others have more worthy goals than their own and if they are unable to fully participate in those activities. Involvement in physical activities is one of the factors that affect a person's self-esteem which is the result of an individual's evaluation of himself.

Research purpose: To see the relationship of fear of missing out with self-esteem to teenagers on social media users.

Methodology: quantitative approach with survey research methods (questionnaires) with non-probability sampling techniques and sampling systems using purposive sampling.

Population and sample: The population were teenagers of social media users who were in Tangerang with the age of 14-18 years. The samples amounted to 307 teenagers using social media who attended high school X in Tangerang.

Analysis: Test of the Pearson product moment correlation.

Results: There is a negative and significant relationship between fear of missing out with self-esteem in teenagers on social media users. Can be explained by the higher the fear of missing out, the lower the self-esteem the teenager has.

Implication or advantage of research: Contribute to research on educational psychology, add information related to important efforts to determine the relationship between self-esteem and fear of Missing Out (FoMo) in adolescent’s social media users.

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