Setiawati Intan Savitri, Ivan Muhammad Agung, Banu Witono




Setiawati Intan Savitri1, Ivan Muhammad Agung2, Banu Witono3

1Department Psychology, Faculty of Psychology Universitas Mercu Buana, Jakarta, Indonesia

2Department of Psychology, Universitas Islam Negeri Sultan Syarif Kasim, Riau, Indonesia

3.Departemen of Accountancy Faculty of Economic and Business of  Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta


Background: Writing an undergraduate thesis requires self-efficacy in academic reading and writing. In the Covid-19 pandemic situation, learning in higher education have significant changing, from offline to online. This changes force students to be ready to learn online and have full support from their supervisors to accomplish their undergraduate thesis.

Research Purpose: This study aims to see the support of the supervisor as a moderator variable on the relationship between online learning readiness and academic reading and writing self-efficacy in completing undergraduate thesis.

Methodology: Quantitative research methods, moderator analysis and accidental sampling techniques were used.

Population & Sample: Participants were final semester students (N=308, Male = 78, Female=230) who were finishing undergraduate thesis on higher education (M-age = 22.6, SD=2.8).

Instruments: Variable of Online Learning Readiness was measured using the Online Learning Readiness Scale (OLRS) developed by Hung, Variable of Self-Efficacy of Writing was measured using Self-efficacy of Reading and Writing Scale develop by Prat-Sala and Redford, Supervisor support as Moderator Variable was measured by  Teacher Support Scale, develop by Metheny.

Results: The results showed that lecturer support and moderated the significant positive effect of online learning readiness on academic reading-writing self-efficacy in students who were completing their undergraduate thesis or final project. The higher the support from the lecturer, the higher the influence of online learning readiness on academic reading-writing self-efficacy in this case writing an undergraduate thesis. The discussion emphasizes the needs of students as an adults to be supported in completing their undergraduate thesis

Implication: These results expected to be reference for supervisor on higher education, undergraduate students and also faculty and head of study program of higher education to enhance the relationship of online learning readiness and academic reading and writing self efficacy. This result highlight the need of moderating variable, which is supervisor support.



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