Erna Risnawati, Kamilia Laila


Background: interacting with children with special needs requires more skills and effort, often teachers in the teaching process teachers experience high work stress. Teacher work stress can affect the process and learning outcomes

Purpose: This study aims to see whether there is a relationship between Self-Efficacy and Work Stress On Teachers For Children With Special Needs.

Method: This study uses a correlational quantitative research design

Instrument: Data were collected use Self efficacy scale  by Sherer and Maddux. And Teacher Stress inventory by Fimian

Population and sample: population on this research teacher with special need children was conducy by purposive sampling.

Analysis: The data analysis used was Spearman correlation

Implication: This research is expected to provide suggestions for teacher, school, counsellor and streakholder to improve teacher self efficacy to reduce work stress


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