Muhammad Iqbal, Ade Ubaidah, Dini Hanifa


Background : Online counseling services are one of the alternative services that contribute to improving mental health for individuals and families, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research Purpose : This research study on online counseling services aims to provide an overview of client evaluation information on the effectiveness of online counseling services.

Methodology : Quantitative research with survey methods and descriptive data processing with correlational testing.

Instrument : This research used Online Counseling Attitude Scale (OCAS) for measuring attitudes and Client Satisfaction Questioners (CSQ-8) for measuring satisfaction with online counseling services during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Population and sample : The study population was online counseling clients during the Covid 19 pandemic with a total sample of 65 clients from a psychological counseling bureau X in the South Tangerang area, West Java.

Analysis : Analysis of data using descriptive analysis and correlational using Pearson correlation test

Result : Result data indicates a positive attitude towards online counseling services (50.8%) encourages optimal client involvement in counseling sessions  (r = 0. 490; Sign = 0) so that clients are satisfied with online counseling services based on the perceived effectiveness of the assistance (55.4%).

Implication : Result data can be important information for continuously evaluating client satisfaction with online counseling services so that more optimal, effective, and widely accessible services can continue to be developed.

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